Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 27....GONE!

Duane and I had our week 27 visit with Dr. D today! She checked my iron level as well as my glucose tolerance. Both of which she said were really good! Liam's HR was 140. Good and strong! He has been very active today...well just about everyday. It seems he has gotten into a sleep routine. When I am working he doesn't move a lot until I get home and lay down. He gets very active then hears Mommy and Daddy talking and it seems to settle him down. The mornings are a different story. He wakes me up doing (what seem like back flips) and doesn't settle til I get up and get something to eat!
Duane and I joke that he is preparing his "pod" for evacuation! We have agreed he is taking down his Matt Cassel and Kate Beckingsale pics and packing his little suitcase!

Dr. D set up another ultrasound @ our request. We both need to see baby is ok one more time before the big day....which seems to be coming @ light speed!

Work has been good this week! I have decided that I am not a phlebotomist nor will I ever be! I still haven't had a lot of practice and I HATE when I can't do something and have never been one that likes to ask for help...well unless it's my sweet husband when I can't get my shoes on! LOL

I am starting to hate the drive but know that I don't have alot of options. Duane and I have been tossing around the idea of moving. My kids are not in agreement. Andy wants to stay here and Kate is set on leaving....anywhere but here! My mother would go anywhere I wanted. I hate the thought of uprooting everything I have here. School, doctors, work....everything. On the other hand it would be nice to be closer to Duane's family.

Still in thought!

Big Brother 14 started last night! I have been looking 4wd to this FOREVER as it is probably my favorite show! I even went the distance and subscribed to Showtime 2 so I can't watch Big Brother After Dark!!! Luckily my little sidekick loves MOST of this reality crap as much as I do!!!


U guessed it! Chiefs training camp!!!! I pray there is 1 day...all I want is 1 day that isn't a complete scorcher so that this girl (and her growing Matty fan) can spend a day watching my boys play!


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