Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sometimes ya gotta ask yourself why???

Really a pretty good week @ work. Such a different setting for me. Still getting used to it and the several different personalities I work with. There is always one person in every facility that makes having a PERFECT day next to impossible. Trying to avoid it and keeping the stress out of reach.

Easier said than done!

Sometimes in life people keep knocking you down, you have to wonder if its worth getting back up!

I constantly remind myself that the world is full of people. Why let one or two people bother me? I have 2 kids that for the most part are really good kids. I have a little one who never lets me forget he is there and a husband that loves me more than life. Duane told me today that Andrew heard us talking in the bedroom the other night and we sounded like the muppets. LOL Of course I laughed and! I'm ok with that. Duane is my best friend and I know my children know that and I hope that they are able to find their soul mate one day as well. For 33 years, I didn't know it existed. It does. It really does!!!!

My Mama has had a really rough week and I think about her all the time. I would love to be able to take her out and just have a day together but sooo many things prevent that. One...the heat. The ungodly heat we have been experiencing. Two, I don't have much energy working 40 hours a week and being 7 months pregnant. And of course three. Money. Money makes the entire world go around and that just sucks cuz matter how many hours I work...there is never enough of it! I hope she knows how much I love her anyway cuz she is pretty special! Monday she will celebrate her 68th birthday!!! Hope I get to celebrate again with her in 20 years!


Really starting to feel PREGNANT now! Almost 29 weeks now and yet it seems like the little guy will never get here. He already has such a cute personality and is predictable with his movements. Liam moves almost all the time when I am sitting still or laying in bed. We would love to see just what it is he is doing in there and will get to with our next ultrasound! When I rub my belly he settles down for a little bit like he is laying there wondering what happened and when Duane talks to him he is real still so we know he is listening and then he continues to do back flips across his little pod! I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions every single day for the last several weeks (started @ week 22). They are getting stronger and I never had them with my first 2 so that makes me think he will be arriving early...or so I hope! (Just not too early). Today we bought a used swing from a girl here in da Ville for $30! Works GREAT and sooo cute! Just a few more things to collect and we have everything in place....just need a baby!!! Duane and I have decided to talk to Dr. D about a C-Section. Partly cuz I am super nervous about a delivery soooo many years since my last one and secondly because we have agreed to get my tubes tied. Kinda sad's time and it's what we both want.

Lastly, it's hard to talk about this week without mentioning the tragedy that occurred in Aurora, CO. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims and their families. I hope that soon we can find out why? Why was this senseless act committed? How sad it is that people can't even go to the movies now???? Currently, they are still trying to get into this mad man's apartment that he has trip wires and booby traps set up throughout. I have never understood how a person can walk up to another human being and shoot them and feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. God put us all here on the same planet. He made all of us. Why would he create people to kill other people? Soooo many questions for that God of mine. One day, I hope we all understand. Til then, I continue to have faith and thank God everyday for what he has given me and my family!

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