In 2019 I bought a Cricut. I had wanted one for a long time. I had been watching YouTube videos to learn how to make t-shirts. After learning how easy this was, I made every t-shirt I could think of!
Within a couple months, I had tossed around the idea of buying a turner and maybe try my hand at making tumblers. Again, back to YouTube and with the help of some Facebook groups, I LOVED it. I'm not gonna say I was even remotely good at it at first but after practicing a lot, I decided to bring JWC back to life.
Business has never been overwhelming but has been steady and I truly enjoy it. I will admit, there are those cups that I want to kick straight to hell because the epoxy doesn't set right, alcohol inks don't settle the way I want, or my very favorite....glitter specs on a MAN cup!!! Ugh!
I've stuck with it almost 2 years now and business has been really good. Not the....I'm a millionaire kinda business but I try to keep my prices low. I make very little profit but I'm learning and who the hell wants to pay $50 for a cup??? Not me! Well unless it had Harry Style's authentic signature on it...then I MAY consider.
Follow my links and place your order today! I will ship to anywhere in the US for a flat rate of $8.
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