Sunday, October 28, 2012

A New Routine!

It's been 5 weeks since I took my leave from work. It seems like its been 1!!! Tomorrow my favorite little man in the world will be 1 month old??? How does this happen? Why does time go so fast? Something about a new life that makes you appreciate life's little things.
1st Month In Review

Duane and I have gotten a routine and we take turns with 1st and 2nd shift! I LONG for the 2nd shift cuz it seems like those are the only nights when I get a really good night of sleep but sometimes it just doesn't even seem to matter. He still has good nights and bad nights. Last night was a wonderful night. I slept almost 7 hours straight! Pretty sure that hasn't happened in the last month!

That fear of a newborn baby is gone now. We are both very comfortable now. We know the difference in his cries. We know when he doesn't feel good. Tomorrow I have my follow up appointment with Jane. I am less than excited but its a step I have 2 take 2 get released 4 work. If I am released I should be heading back 2 work Tuesday. If Im not...I will have another week off I spec. I think Im ready 2 go back. Of course I will miss the baby, and having all the freedom of being home all the time but money is essential to survival and Christmas?? Good grief..that's coming our way too!

My older kids have their own lives and I haven't gotten to see them much in the time I have been off. Andy seems to be dipping back into some old habits that I have tried for years to stear him clear of but @ 17...I am done trying. He is old enough 2 know better. He has seen the consequences. I am only one person and can't live his life for him. My little lady (the only one I will ever have...thank God I have ONE) has been in "teenager land" since the beginning of the school year. She is with her best friend every day. Seriously...every day. She is growing up really fast but I still see alot of innocence that I hope she doesn't lose anytime soon.

I have wanted to capture a family photo for a very long time....ok since Liam was born but Andy is never here and if he is here...Kate is gone! My love for photography has returned and if I had the time and money I would love to take a class to get better at it. I have my eyes on this beauty that I think I will purchase @ income tax time!

Canon Powershot G-15....YES PLEASE!!!

A huge step up from the current Canon Powershot I have but a girl can dream right?

Also...the food!

We have been eating like Kings and Queens! I have had some time to actually cook some of the goodies I have been pinning for months. Last night I made this.....

Chicken Spaghetti

AND 4 Dessert?????

Pumpkin Bars

Needless 2 say....both were AMAZING!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

FINALLY....Birth Day!!!

This is the moment we had been waiting for...for what seemed like an eternity! We had been rescheduled to induce Monday Oct. 1 @ 10am instead of our original 6am.

As I had imagined, I got very little sleep the night before. I was so anxious. Scared something somewhere would go wrong. There is so much room for error with a little human life.

I couldn't sleep so I got up with the kiddies to see them off before school. I had plans later in the am to take Mom to run some errands.

Kiddies were off to school and I was a nervous wreck. Duane was up @ this time too. I decided to go back to bed.

Back up...couldn't sleep. Missed a call from the hospital. Returned call to Gail. I was afraid they were going to tell me that they were so busy that they wouldn't be able to do it that day. It was the opposite. She was ready when I was! I rushed around trying to grab those last minute items and double check everything!

Picked up Mama.

Checked into St. Francis OB. We made our way through the crowd. Someone had just had a baby girl that am. They showed us to our room and it was all getting very very real. Duane wasn't nervous @ all like I thought he would be...or @ least he didn't show it. I was nervous enough for the both of us! He was just excited to meet this little guy that we had grown to love a little more every day over the last 9 months!

Jane was in to see me. They hadn't even started my IV yet. She checked me for dilation and said I was still about 1 1/2. She wanted to break my water to speed things along. Initially when she broke my water, I felt nothing. Over the next 2 hours it would continue to leak....and leak alot! I had no idea how much water was in there with my baby. This is what protected him when I fell!

Got my IV in and drew blood too!

Started the Pitocin drip to start contractions.

Contractions started. What felt like Braxton Hicks @ first and throughout the hour became a little stronger.

Contractions were full force and every 2-3 minutes.

Jane was back in to see me. She said I was dilated between 2 and 3??? I was angry! I felt like I should have been @ least a 6! Jane told the nurse to try to get me to hold off on the epidural til I was about a 4 but to use her own judgement.

I was ready for the epidural but everything I had ever heard told me that it would slow labor down and I didn't want to slow it down. MUST KEEP GOING!!!!

I had had ENOUGH!!!! Get her in here and get her in here now!!!! The girl next door was getting her epidural. The anesthesiologist was finishing up!

Mama came into see me. She had been there all day but can't stand to see me in pain so she was in my room very little. She left the room crying and of course I'm a bawl bag so I too was crying. Not sure if it was because she was crying or because I was in so much pain or if it was because I was sooooo damn mad that I hadn't had my epidural yet! Maybe a combination of things!

FINALLY...after many many tears she was there! I didn't want to move a muscle but they made me sit on the side of the bed with my hands folded in my lap and my head resting on Duane's chest. Meanwhile the nurse is squatted on the floor trying to keep track of baby's heartbeat. Contractions were every 1 1/2 minutes. This was the hardest part of the entire day!!! Having a needle put in my spine while I was in the worst pain imaginable??? Looking back..not sure how I survived. As relaxed as I was trying to be. I jumped. I was scolded by everyone in the room! Then I had pain running down my back. WTF was that? She questioned as to if it was going down one leg. Then a contraction hit. I don't know where the pain is lady!!! It's EVERYWHERE!!!

Then I felt relief. FINALLY relief! What a magnificent feeling. Suddenly I loved everyone!

I was feeling AMAZING!!!! I had Duane call Mom back in the room because I wanted her to see that I was better! I was numb everywhere! I could still move and could still feel the contractions but I didn't care. It was mild compared to what I had just been through. Not having had an epidural with my other 2 I wasn't sure the amount of relief I would have and didn't ask alot of questions prior because the thought of the whole thing scared me but the pain was far worse than my other 2 kiddies. I HAD 2 HAVE IT!!! I asked the nurse if this would be as strong as my contractions were until the end and she said yes. I was thanking God and loving life! Ready 4 a back flip!!! (or maybe just a high 5??)

The nurse checked me and I was a 7??? I couldn't believe it! I was hoping for a 4 and was THRILLED to be a 7! I WAS ALMOST THERE!!!!!

The nurse put her shoe covers and mask and all the goodies on. She must think we are moving along nicely.

Mom left to go get the kiddies something to eat since they were out of school now. I was getting concerned cuz some of the contractions were just like before. What was going on?

Ok....not just my imagination...the contractions were hard...WTF? My epidural didn't work!!!!

Something was going on. I told the nurse we need to get Jane in here. With my last contraction, I felt the urge to push. She wanted to check me. She said I was probably right and sure enough she went out to call Jane. Meanwhile I prayed that he didn't come out before she got in there.

Please Liam...hold on!

She had me put my legs in the stirrups. I questioned...BEFORE JANE GETS HERE????? I thought if I lay real still...maybe we could keep him in there til she arrives!

Jane was there. Thank you God! I have never been so happy to see anyone in my life! I started pushing immediately. After the second push she told me with one more push we could be done! Whaaaaaa???? As much as it hurt....I wanted it to be over. Again...I swear somebody took over my body cuz I have ZERO tolerance for pain! With the 3rd push...he was out! He was here. He was finally here!!!! Duane was so excited to cut the cord. He told me later that he watched him come out! He was soooo nervous about the whole delivery. I'm very proud of him!!!

Then they put him on my stomach. IMMEDIATELY. He was still covered in the white pasty stuff. I know there is a technical term for this but pasty stuff sounds good for now!

His eyes were open. Looking right at me. He was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I scanned him for his toes and fingers and everything was right where it was supposed to be. He was so quiet and calm. After what we had just been through? He did amazing! I have never seen Duane so happy in my life. Without a of the very happiest moments in my entire life...if not THE happiest.

Poor Duane had to call all of our family and announce it to all of our Facebook family when all he really wanted to do was hold his newborn infant son...which is now one of Liam's many nicknames.

Mama couldn't believe she had only been gone 30 minutes and BAM he was here! She brought Andy in and everyone took their turns holding the little ball of wonder. Kate arrived with her BFF Lexi and they both held him.

What a wonderful day. I can say this now because the pain isn't on my mind as I type this...only the reward!!!

We got settled into our new room. Everything was perfect. All of the nurses and our wonderful wonderful Dr. All of the planning...all of the fear....the longest 9 months of my life and all the mountains I climbed during those 9 months. NOT what I had planned but I know it was what God had planned. We did ok. We made it! All of us. All of my wonderful family and the friends that really mattered stood by me through all of it!

So blessed.
 October 1, 2012
Time: 4:11pm
Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz.
Height: 21 inches
Weighing In!!!!


Prolly my favorite picture of the entire day!

Such a good baby boy!

All worth it!

So glad my Mama is still here to meet her grandbaby!
